速報APP / 教育 / Mobile Computing: Engineering

Mobile Computing: Engineering





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:New Delhi,India,Pin Code: 110003

Mobile Computing: Engineering(圖1)-速報App

The app is a complete free handbook of Mobile Computing or technology which covers important topics, notes, materials & news on the course. Download the App as a reference material & digital book for computer science, electronics, wireless communication engineering programs & degree courses.

This useful App lists 116 topics with detailed notes, diagrams, equations, formulas & course material, the topics are listed in 5 chapters. The app is must have for all the engineering science students & professionals.

The app provides quick revision and reference to the important topics like a detailed flash card notes, it makes it easy & useful for the student or a professional to cover the course syllabus quickly just before an exams or job interviews.

Also get the hottest international engineering & technology news on your app powered by Google news feeds. We have customised it so that you get regular updates on subject from international/national colleges, universities, research, industry, applications, engineering, tech, articles & innovation.

This is the best application to remain updated on your fav. subject.

Use this useful engineering app as your education tool, utility, tutorial, book, a reference guide for syllabus and explore study course material, aptitude tests & project work.

Track your learning, set reminders, edit, add favourite topics, share the topics on social media.

Some of topics Covered in this application are:

1) Introduction to Mobile Computing

2) Limitations of Mobile Computing

3) A simplified reference model for Mobile Computing

4) GSM Services

5) GSM Architecture

6) Radio Interface

7) Frame Hierarchy for GSM

Mobile Computing: Engineering(圖2)-速報App

8) Logical channels For GSM

9) GSM Protocols

10) GSM Handover

11) GSM Security

12) Localization and Calling

13) New Data Services in GSM

14) Need for Mobile IP

15) Entities and terminology for Mobile IP

16) IP packet delivery

17) Agent Discovery

18) Agent Registration

19) Optimizations

20) Reverse Tunneling

21) IPv6

22) Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

Mobile Computing: Engineering(圖3)-速報App

23) Tunneling and encapsulation

24) Traditional TCP(Transmission Control Protocol)

25) Congestion Control

26) Classical TCP Improvements

27) Snooping TCP

28) Mobile TCP

29) Transmission/time-out freezing&Selective retransmission

30) Transaction-oriented TCP

31) Database Hoarding

32) Data Caching

33) Caching Invalidation Mechanisms

34) Data Cache Maintenance in Mobile Environments

35) Client-Server Computing

36) Context of Mobile Computing

37) Context Types in Context-aware Computing

Mobile Computing: Engineering(圖4)-速報App

38) Transaction Models

39) Query Processing

40) Data Recovery Process

41) Communications Asymmetry

42) Classification of Data-Delivery Mechanisms

43) Classification of data (Pull based Mechanisms)

44) Hybrid Mechanisms

45) Selective Tuning and Indexing Techniques

46) Index-Based Method

47) Alternative Methods for Tuning and Indexing of Data

48) Some more Indexing Techniques

49) Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs)

50) Properties and Challenges of MANETs

51) Applications of MANETS

52) Routing in MANET’s

Mobile Computing: Engineering(圖5)-速報App

53) Types of MANET Routing Algorithms

54) Destination sequence distance vector (DSDV)

55) Dynamic Source Routing

56) Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV)

57) Example for AODV protocol

58) Cluster-head Gateway Switch Routing (CGSR)

59) Hierarchal State Routing (HSR)

60) Optimized Link State Routing Protocol

61) Security in MANET’s

62) Wireless Application Protocol-WAP

63) WAP Architecture

64) Working of WAP

65) Wireless Datagram Protocol (WDP)

66) Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS)

67) Wireless Transaction Protocol (WTP)

Mobile Computing: Engineering(圖6)-速報App

68) Wireless Session Protocol (WSP)

69) WSP/B over WTP

70) Bluetooth

Each topic is complete with diagrams, equations and other forms of graphical representations for better learning and quick understanding.

Mobile Computing or technology is part of computer science, communications engineering education courses and technology degree programs of various universities.

Mobile Computing: Engineering(圖7)-速報App